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Permit or duty to report floor renovation

Do you have questions about permits, renovation or Compofloor? We are happy to answer frequently asked questions.


In general, a permit is not required for just the ground floor in the home. However, in specific cases it may be necessary to contact your Municipality for a report or permit application.

We are happy to help you in this process with the following general guidelines:

Asbestos in the crawl space?

If it is known that asbestos is present in the crawl space, you have an obligation to report it to your municipality. It may happen that we encounter asbestos during demolition work. In that case, we can put you in touch with a partner who can support and relieve you of your worries.

Is the total amount of demolition waste more than 10 m³?

This will not be the case in the case of a floor renovation. If you have planned a major renovation in which more than 10m3 of demolition waste is removed, a reporting obligation may apply.

Does the supporting structure of the structure change?

You will be asked this if you have checked 'Other changes to existing structures'. What is meant by the supporting structure? Until recently, this was not completely clear in law. The Council of State concluded that the 'supporting structure' is the structure that supports the building. A floor is normally not a load-bearing structure and you do not have a reporting obligation and a permit is not required.

For which work should I contact the municipality?

For this we initially refer you to the Environmental counter. Consult the 'permit check' on the website. However, when renovating a floor, the selection menu can cause confusion. Below is some clarity regarding the application of the Compofloor® renovation floor.

Is my home a monument?

The resident often knows whether he/she lives in a monument. Yet creating clarity is important. Historic buildings, archaeological sites or green, landscaped structures may be classified as monuments. These buildings are protected by the national government, province or municipality because of their cultural-historical character. This can provide advantages with regard to subsidies for renovation, but is also accompanied by imposed requirements from the competent authorities. You can perform a simple check on the website Cultural heritage. If your home is listed, you must contact your municipality to apply for an environmental permit. If you are not listed here, it is possible that your home is still designated as a town or village view, if you have any doubts about this, please contact your municipality.

Do I have to report the renovation to my municipality?

In the following cases you will have to report this to your municipality:

Your home is on the monument list

If your floor is part of the supporting structure, a notification or permit application is required.

If you are in doubt, we advise you to have a manufacturer assess the situation.

If there is asbestos in your home.

Do you want more information?

Consult the website for more information about our innovative flooring system. You will also find a knowledge document here that will guide you in the orientation for subsidy schemes. on You will find a lot of information about energy saving and financing options. In particular the overview 'How do you finance home insulation?'provides good tips for calculating the energy saving yield and also has tips for applying floor insulation.You can always contact our sales department for personal advice on your floor renovation.

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