Everything about Compofloor - The renovation floor specialist!

Compofloor is the renovation flooring specialist from North Holland

Compofloor is an innovative company that specializes in sustainable renovation floor solutions. The company was founded in 2012 with the idea of bringing change to the structural flooring industry of existing residential construction.

Origin of Compofloor

The idea arose at a house party where the question 'this must be possible differently!' was extensively discussed. Aimed at homes before the 1970s, where draughty, uninsulated floors with rotten wooden beams were common and still pose a problem for the health of the residents and the sustainability of the homes.

Through years of research and development, Compofloor has succeeded in creating a unique product: a lightweight, strong and energy-reducing composite floor.

Team Compofloor

Meet our Compofloor toppers! With a lot of knowledge, experience and passion, our entire team is there for you every day!

Meet us at the fair

Come and meet our Compofloor at a trade fair.

Construction fair 3 - 7 February 2025

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Would you like to come and see the Compofloor up close?
Make an appointment by telephone and visit our office for more information and a small tour.

Address: De cutting 12, 1771 SP Wieringerwerf