Urban planning NOM Landsmeer - Compofloor - Project

Urban design NOM Landsmeer

Compofloor® can be admired in the March edition of Stedenbouw magazine

About four months ago we announced that we are carrying out a NOM project in Landsmeer. Read more about our prefab renovation floor system and the project that was extensively explained in the March edition of Stedenbouw Magazine! An important part of the renovation of the 120 homes in Landsmeer is the ground floor. This must fit the NOM label. It must be durable, have high insulation values and be optimally airtight. This brings BAM Wonen to Compofloor.

Click on the image above to read the article or visit the urban development website.

The benefits of the Compofloor:

Similar thickness and weight as the wooden beam layer to be renovated;
Easy installation due to a very low weight;
Meets constructively the new construction standards;
High energy efficiency to a reduction of the energy bill by 20%
Thanks to prefabrication, a very fast construction time. Your floor renovated in 1 day without waste.
The QV10 tests have shown that the Compofloor gives the best results on air tightness